Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lemoned I Scream

One day, I was walkin' down the streets
Looking for anything, Any surprise
Feel like a treasure game on a rayny day
Then it happened suddenly
I saw, I saw
And there it was fallin' down into my feet
Then, you know, it had something spiney head,And I was gonna touch it
Then I got the pain,My fingers painted in blood, but I feel so fine.
Nobody could find out,but I knew, I saw.
I don't care. If nobody can love it, oh yeah
Because Ah hahahaha
I've got a feelin' in my hand
It's a lemon lemoned I scream !
One day, I was walkin' the street,Lookin' for the music , any surprise.
Then it happened suddenly
I hear, I hear
I don't care.
Everybody so Hate it, Hate it
Because Ah hahaha
I've got a sweet poison cake, gonna be high
Take me higher higher
I've got a sweer creature song,
It's a lemon, lemon lemon & I scream
I've got a sweet broken hearted machine
but I like it, like it
Oh, what a sweet monster people
It's a lemon, lemon, lemoned I scream !

me rike (:


I had enough of this.
when I'm kind to people,people crawl to the top of my head.
I'm not sharity elephant,please turn to someone else for money
If everyone were to borrow $ from me,what do I left with?
when I don't have enough money where were you then?
I'm tired.

When life is full of boring shit..



corel painter can be such a bitch when handling something of a size like that